Episode 5: I Get High With a Little Kelp With My Friends

Album cover depicting a serious, dark-haired woman, with a man in dark glasses. Text reads: Redgate and Wolf

Jaxon and Meadow investigate the murder-algae. Angus takes a tentacle for his new partner. And what is it with Marie poking things with a stick?

chatroom: https://discord.gg/55fU84VTCq
twitter: https://twitter.com/RedgateAndWolf
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redgateandwolf
facespace: https://www.facebook.com/Redgate-and-Wolf-103363745163839

This mystery is based on Attack of the Rapid Moss by Jacob Steele, in the Monster of the Week – Tome of Mysteries.

Theme and transitional music composed and performed by Sean @ McRoMusic: https://linktr.ee/mcromusic

Please note that if you click on the Tome of Mysteries and buy anything from DriveThruRPG we will receive a small commission! This is at no additional cost to you.

Episode 4: See You Later Algae-gator!

Album cover depicting a serious, dark-haired woman, with a man in dark glasses. Text reads: Redgate and Wolf

Angus and Marie are out of the hospital and ready to join the search for a missing teen—one Angus knows the exact location of. A blast from Marie’s past rides into town with a warning. Oh and there’s something lurking in the water…

chatroom: https://discord.gg/55fU84VTCq
twitter: https://twitter.com/RedgateAndWolf
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redgateandwolf
facespace: https://www.facebook.com/Redgate-and-Wolf-103363745163839

This mystery is based on Attack of the Rapid Moss by Jacob Steele, in the Monster of the Week – Tome of Mysteries.

Theme and transitional music composed and performed by Sean @ McRoMusic: https://linktr.ee/mcromusic

Please note that if you click on the Tome of Mysteries and buy anything from DriveThruRPG we will receive a small commission! This is at no additional cost to you.

Episode 3: Rituals and Shadows and Hags, Oh My!

Album cover depicting a serious, dark-haired woman, with a man in dark glasses. Text reads: Redgate and Wolf

A nighttime chase ensues as the bickering twosome doggedly pursue evil all around Hendrix. Angus does the unthinkable. Marie loses her weapon!

chatroom: https://discord.gg/55fU84VTCq
twitter: https://twitter.com/RedgateAndWolf
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redgateandwolf
facespace: https://www.facebook.com/Redgate-and-Wolf-103363745163839

This mystery is based on Darkness Falls by Chloe Sutherland, in the Monster of the Week – Tome of Mysteries.

Theme and transitional music composed and performed by Sean @ McRoMusic: https://linktr.ee/mcromusic

Please note that if you click on the Tome of Mysteries and buy anything from DriveThruRPG we will receive a small commission! This is at no additional cost to you.

Episode 2: You Can’t Always Sleep When You Want

Album cover depicting a serious, dark-haired woman, with a man in dark glasses. Text reads: Redgate and Wolf

Our shifty duo investigates the narcolepsy that afflicts all who enter Hendrix. Marie keeps her dinner date. Angus amuses the local girls.

chatroom: https://discord.gg/55fU84VTCq
twitter: https://twitter.com/RedgateAndWolf
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redgateandwolf
facespace: https://www.facebook.com/Redgate-and-Wolf-103363745163839

This mystery is based on Darkness Falls by Chloe Sutherland, in the Monster of the Week – Tome of Mysteries.

Theme and transitional music composed and performed by Sean @ McRoMusic: https://linktr.ee/mcromusic

Please note that if you click on the Tome of Mysteries and buy anything from DriveThruRPG we will receive a small commission! This is at no additional cost to you.

Episode 1: Said the Werewolf to the Thief

Album cover depicting a serious, dark-haired woman, with a man in dark glasses. Text reads: Redgate and Wolf

A sassy thief and a Scottish werewolf find themselves stranded in the small fictional American town of Hendrix. Follow them as they discover the truth about things that go bump in the night…

chatroom: https://discord.gg/55fU84VTCq
twitter: https://twitter.com/RedgateAndWolf
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redgateandwolf
facespace: https://www.facebook.com/Redgate-and-Wolf-103363745163839

This mystery is based on Darkness Falls by Chloe Sutherland, in the Monster of the Week – Tome of Mysteries.

Theme and transitional music composed and performed by Sean @ McRoMusic: https://linktr.ee/mcromusic

Please note that if you click on the Tome of Mysteries and buy anything from DriveThruRPG we will receive a small commission! This is at no additional cost to you.

Redgate and Wolf Trailer

Album cover depicting a serious, dark-haired woman, with a man in dark glasses. Text reads: Redgate and Wolf

What happens when a sassy thief meets a Scottish werewolf? Supernatural shenanigans ensue in this actual play Monster of the Week podcast.

Podcast Transcript

Angus: Is this thing on?

Marie: Angus, can’t you see the red light? God, how bad are your eyes?

Angus: I can see the red light but no one said to talk!

Marie: Hi, I am Marie Redgate and um… this is—

Angus: Angus McCray.

Marie: And we fight monsters, cause those are real.

Angus: The boogeyman that you fear? They’re real. That thing under your bed? Is also real. But we’re here to fight them.

Marie: Kick their ass. But you know, that’s close enough.

Angus: Do you even really think we should be doing this?

Marie: I mean who would believe a couple of monster hunters from a little town called Hendrix, which we’re stuck in thanks to you.

Angus: Thanks to me?

Marie: I would have been gone a long time ago if I still had a car.

Angus: Well I guess you shouldn’t have drove it off a bridge.

The Keeper: We interrupt this bickering to inform you that we are Redgate and Wolf, an actual play Monster of the Week podcast.

Angus: Wait, wait, wait. Why is it Redgate and Wolf? Should not it be Wolf and Redgate? I do all the work and, as she talked about, kicking ass. I do that.

Marie: You wouldn’t be able to go anywhere to kick ass if I didn’t drive you there.

Angus: Drive me? You drive me crazy.

The Keeper: Find us on your favourite podcast app now.